Fitting color into the physical world
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منابع مشابه
Blocks World Vision for the AIBO Robot
In existing robotic systems, robust object recognition is still a largely unsolved problem. On the AIBO robot, color segmentation is robust, so most existing object recognition is based on monochromatic objects whose appearance does not change with orientation. This research seeks to expand upon existing object recognition tools by developing ways to detect objects with more complex features, m...
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This paper presents an eye detection technique basedon color and shape features. The approach consists of three steps: a rough eye localization using projection technique, a white color thresholding to extract white sclera, and an ellipse fitting to fit the ellipse shape of eye. The proposed white color thresholding utilizes the normalized RGB chromaticty diagram, where white color objects are ...
متن کاملEvaluation of color blindness prevalence in male medical students of Mashhad medical school
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This paper gives an overview of a system for robustly tracking the 3D position and orientation of a finger using a few closely spaced cameras. Accurate results are obtained by combining features of stereo range images and color images. This work also provides a design framework for combining multiple sources of information, including stereo range images, color segmentations, shape information a...
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